How to Write the UIUC Supplemental Essays 2024–2025

How to Write the UIUC Supplemental Essays 2024–2025

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is known for their diverse and academically rigorous academic programs. Every year, thousands of applicants seek to follow in the footsteps of UIUC alumni, including film critic Roger Ebert, writer Dan Savage, and scientist Temple Grandin. But completing your UIUC supplemental essays is easier said than done. Looking to better understand how to approach the UIUC prompts? Let’s dive in.

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University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign’s 2024-2025 Prompts

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign asks for applicants to complete two or three essay questions depending on their choice of major (or lack thereof). Below, you can preview the two prompts for students who have selected a major, the two prompts for students entering undeclared, and the one additional prompt for students intending to double major (including with an undeclared second major). Each response should be approximately 150 words.

If You’re Applying to a Major:

  1. Explain, in detail, an experience you’ve had in the past 3 to 4 years related to your first-choice major. This can be an experience from an extracurricular activity, in a class you’ve taken, or through something else.
  2. Describe your personal and/or career goals after graduating from UIUC and how your selected first-choice major will help you achieve them.

If You’re Applying to Our Undeclared Program in the Division of General Studies:

  1. What are your academic interests? Please include 2-3 majors you’re considering at Illinois and why.
  2. What are your future career or academic goals? You may include courses you took in high school and how these impacted your goals.

If You’ve Selected a Second-Choice Major (Including Undeclared):

  1. You have selected a second-choice major. Please explain your interest in that major or your overall academic or career goals.

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General Tips

Each of these prompts, no matter your choice of major or lack thereof, asks you to explore your academic interests and how those interests relate to your postgraduate goals. Even if you have a specific major or two in mind, your future career goals might be murky. That’s okay!

According to the National Center for Education Studies, about 30% of students change their major in college at least once. Far more students end up pursuing careers, plural, that they didn’t originally plan on. And according to the World Economic Forum, the jobs of future might look completely different than those we have today. To put it another way, your future career might not have been invented yet. For these reasons, you should feel comfortable keeping an open mind about your employment future and indicating that openness in your essay.

This is mind, you may have difficulty approaching these questions about your major and career. So let’s break it down. What are your academic interests, and, given these interests, what jobs would allow you to pursue those interests further? Determining these two simple pieces of information should help guide your essays.

UIUC Short Essay Questions: If You’re Applying to a Major

Explain, in detail, an experience you’ve had in the past 3 to 4 years related to your first-choice major. This can be an experience from an extracurricular activity, in a class you’ve taken, or through something else. (150 words or fewer)

This prompts asks you to provide an example of the impact of your academic interests on your life. This example could be a single occasion when you witnessed the power of medicine and resolved to pursue a degree from UIUC’s College of Applied Health Sciences. If you’re a future English major, maybe there’s a book you want to write about that had a particularly significant impact on your perspective. Or perhaps you pursued your interest in social justice through a summer internship that led you to choose Political Science as your major.

Note a few key quantities in the prompt: you need to explain “an experience in the past 3 to 4 years.” Based on this information, the admissions officers are likely seeking to hear about a singular high school experience that you have had. Don’t feel pressure to describe a life-changing moment. Keep your response specific and concise, and you’ll be golden.

Describe your personal and/or career goals after graduating from UIUC and how your selected first-choice major will help you achieve them. (150 words or fewer)

This prompt permits a broad response, encompassing personal and/or career goals. That said, you first need to narrow that response to goals related to your first-choice major. Then, you need to narrow those goals down to just your 1-3 most important goals.

In the event that you haven’t decided on a career path, even though you’ve picked your major, a few Google searches can help guide you in the right direction. What careers relate to your first-choice major? If there are many career paths associated with this major, then you may want to list a few options in your response that are most inviting to you. Regardless of what personal or career goals you choose to explore in this short essay, be specific (even if brief) as to why these are your goals and how your major will help you get closer to these goals.

Additional research into the specific opportunities offered by your first-choice major at UIUC can help you flesh out this essay. Perhaps UIUC’s Experimental Music Studios will set you up for your dream career as a film composer. Or perhaps the research division of UIUC’s Program of Actuarial and Risk Management Sciences particularly interests you. A specific response can effectively demonstrate your deep interest in the learning opportunities available to you at UIUC. Moreover, you will show the admissions officers that you are serious about achieving your goals through your UIUC education.

UIUC Short Essay Questions: If You’re Applying Undeclared

What are your academic interests? Please include 2-3 majors you’re considering at Illinois and why. (150 words or fewer)

Even if you’re applying undeclared, you likely have more than one academic interest. Don’t hold back: interdisciplinary interests that don’t necessarily align with a certain major are totally fine to discuss. In fact, discussing the ways your academic interests overlap or have evolved may help your reader better understand why you are choosing to enter undeclared.

Students entering college undeclared tend to start from one of three places. One, they’re deciding between similar majors. Two, they’re deciding between completely unrelated majors. Three, they have zero clue what majors speak to them. Let’s discuss each of these situations briefly.

In situation one, you can just list those similar majors in this essay and discuss the interests that underpin them. Consider the following questions: Why are these your interests? What skills would you like to gain by studying these topics? What specific programs at UIUC will support these interests?

In situation two, you can list your top two or three majors and (concisely and precisely) explain your interest in them. Consider the same questions posed in the last paragraph. However, keep your responses brief so that you have space to address the very different fields that engage you. Alternatively, you can focus on the interdisciplinary overlaps between your diverse interests.

In situation three, you may want to take the time to do a bit more research and soul-searching for tackling this question. Remember, you don’t have to eventually choose the majors you list in this essay! If you get stuck, look up UIUC’s list of majors and start crossing out all of the majors that don’t interest you. Keep narrowing it down as much as you can! Take comfort that you’re not really closing those doors yet.

What are your future career or academic goals? You may include courses you took in high school and how these impacted your goals. (150 words or fewer)

This prompt asks you to explore your goals for the future. If you look at your upcoming college experience, you may have some specific goals already. For instance, maybe you’re set on taking a computer science course, despite hoping to major in the arts. In this essay, you can explore why that is one of your goals. If you wish, you can move on to describing how that goal could impact your future career.

This question doesn’t require you to connect your career goals to your potential choice(s) of major. Therefore, you could describe an academic goal that isn’t related to your course of studies. Maybe it’s important to you to take philosophy courses to learn more about ethical questions and develop your opinions. Explain the motivation behind your academic goal(s) to the reader in this essay, and you’ll have a compelling narrative.

That said, if you choose to focus on career goals, those goals should be at least somewhat connected to whatever you’re considering majoring in. Otherwise, you risk giving the impression that you have not thought deeply about the purpose of your college education and its impact on your life. The connection does not need to be obvious or direct, though. This is especially true if you’re planning to work in an interdisciplinary, dynamic field. As long as you identify that connection in your essay, you’ll be fine.

UIUC Short Essay Questions: If You’ve Selected a Second Major (Including Undeclared)

You have selected a second-choice major. Please explain your interest in that major or your overall academic or career goals. (150 words or fewer)

This extra essay response is applicable to applicants who wish to double-major. This is even if you are undecided about your second major. For instance, you might be certain about your intended degree in the Department of Economics, but you’re hoping to simultaneously pursue your passion for the arts while in college. Knowing exactly which arts degree you’d like to pursue isn’t necessary for selecting the second major option on your application. Regardless, just knowing that you would like to pursue two majors isn’t sufficiently detailed. In most cases, students will need to at least gesture toward their area of interest for the second major.

That said, this essay question gives you space to provide the color about that second major, no matter what it is. How does it fit with your first-choice major? Most importantly, how do those majors work in conjunction to bring you closer to your goals? Showing the admissions officers that you have thought deeply about these questions will give them the confidence that you are academically capable of pursuing a double major. So do your best to bring specificity, clarity, and depth to this essay and show UIUC that you’re ready!

If you need help polishing up your UIUC supplemental essays, check out our College Essay Review service. You can receive detailed feedback from Ivy League consultants in as little as 24 hours.