Michigan State ACT Scores: Full Breakdown

Michigan State ACT Scores: Full Breakdown

Michigan State University (MSU), a strong public university known for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic admissions approach, sets specific expectations regarding ACT scores. In this article, we will dive into Michigan State University’s ACT scores and requirements. Be sure to check out our other post that discusses Michigan State University’s SAT stats and requirements!

What is the average ACT score at Michigan State University?

MSU’s average composite ACT score is around 28, out of the maximum possible 36 points. This is higher than the national average of about 21. For the incoming class, the 25th percentile score is 25, and the 75th percentile score is 31.

This means that the lowest 25% of scorers achieved a 25 or below, and the highest 25% of scorers achieved a 31 or above. These numbers demonstrate the competitive standards MSU holds for its students, but also show that there is a range of scores that can lead to admission.

Michigan State ACT composite score chart

What is the average ACT English score at Michigan State University?

The ACT composite score is the average of the scores a student achieves on each of the four test sections: English, mathematics, reading, and science.

The average ACT English score at MSU for the enrolled class is 28. The 25th percentile falls at 24 and the 75th percentile at 32. These statistics show that 25% of Michigan State ACT scores fall below 24 in the English section. Further, the top 25% of Michigan State ACT scores exceed 32 in the English section. Evidently, Michigan State students perform well on the English section of the ACT, with many achieving high scores.

Michigan State ACT English score chart

What is the average ACT Math score at Michigan State University?

The average ACT Math score at Michigan State falls between the 25th percentile of 24 and the 75th percentile of 29. In addition, an ACT Math score of around 27 would place you in the middle 50% of scorers at MSU. These scores are competitive, demonstrating strong mathematical proficiency among admitted students.

Furthermore, these statistics show that 25% of Michigan State ACT scores fall below 24 in the math section. On the other hand, 25% of Michigan State ACT scores exceed 29 in the math section. Although this range is slightly lower than that of the English section, MSU’s standards for applicants are still quite high in the math section.

Michigan State ACT math score chart

What are Michigan State University’s ACT requirements?

Michigan State University is test-optional. In other words, applicants are need not submit scores from the SAT or ACT. However, students can choose to submit SAT or ACT scores if they feel these will strengthen their application, and MSU’s admissions team will evaluate those scores as part of your application. If you have a strong standardized test score, you are encouraged to submit it.

Self-reporting is permitted, although if MSU admits you and you choose to enroll, you must submit official score reports from the testing agency.

Note that the writing portion of the ACT is recommended but optional.

What percentage of Michigan State University applicants submit the ACT?

Among applicants admitted to Michigan State, around 11% choose to submit ACT scores. An additional 39% opt to submit SAT scores. The remaining approximate 47% of admitted applicants omitted standardized test scores from their applications entirely. Although these statistics show that far more students submit SAT scores than ACT scores, the Michigan State admissions team does not discriminate between the two exams. Moreover, these stats show that going test-optional will not ruin your chances.

Should I go test-optional?

Submitting a high SAT score can increase an applicant’s chances for admission to Michigan State University. We recommend that students take the SAT or ACT if they have the means to do so. A competitive score can boost an application, if the scores are not as high as desired, the student can choose to omit them without penalty.

Ultimately, though, going test-optional is a personal decision. If you feel that your scores demonstrate your academic capabilities, then submitting them might be the right decision for you. If not, then you should feel empowered to leave scores off your application.

Does Michigan State University superscore the ACT?

Michigan State University does not superscore the ACT. To be specific, MSU looks at your highest test date. If you took the SAT or ACT multiple times, then they will not recombine your scores to create a superscore. However, they do accept multiple test scores and will consider the highest test date submitted.

Read more about Michigan State’s ACT requirements and expectations here.

What’s a good ACT score for Michigan State University?

Michigan State University does not maintain specific ACT score requirements or cutoffs. Although the admissions officers at MSU have high expectations, there is no minimum score necessary for admission. Similarly, no one score will guarantee you admission. That said, a score within or above MSU’s 25th to 75th percentile ranges is considered a strong score.


Can I get into Michigan State University with a low ACT score?

Admission to Michigan State University with a low ACT score is possible due to their holistic review process. Moreover, if you’re not proud of your ACT score, you can consider going test-optional.

Michigan State’s admissions team considers your ACT scores alongside your other application elements. Your transcript, extracurricular activities, leadership experience, and high school context can all impact your admissions decision in addition to your test scores.

When should I take the ACT for Michigan State University?

Applicants should ensure that their ACT scores are sent to Michigan State University well in advance of application deadlines. You may self-report your scores on your application, in which case you must ensure that you have received your scores in time to put them in your application.

Michigan State University continues to accept applications until April 1, but students are encouraged to apply by November 1 to ensure their admissions decision is based on their merit, rather than a lack of space for more students.

What is Michigan State University’s ACT code?

MSU’s ACT code for submitting official test scores is 2032.

While Michigan State University does not require ACT scores for admission, submitting a good score can boost an application. Ultimately, the decision to take and submit test scores should be based on an applicant’s individual strengths, goals, and priorities. For those considering the SAT instead, check out our article about Michigan State’s SAT stats and requirements!

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